27+ Foods Your Pet Should Never Eat

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It can be tempting to share your favorite foods with your pet, assuming it’s harmless because it’s safe for you. However, many foods that are safe for humans can be extremely toxic to pets. It’s important to keep your pet on a well-balanced diet under the guidance of a veterinarian. Since dogs and cats can be sneaky and sometimes help themselves to food without us noticing, it’s essential to anticipate such situations and keep an eye on their environment.

Take a moment to explore these 30 examples of foods you should never give your pet. If you’re uncertain, always consult your veterinarian for professional advice. Below is a list of foods to avoid and healthy treats that are safe for your pet.


Avocados can be a superfood to humans, but that doesn’t mean that it’s healthy for the rest of the animals. It can do serious damage to dogs and cats if eaten. The high-fat content of avocado can cause pancreatitis in your pets, among other health scares. Also, avocados produce a special toxin called persin, which is mildly poisonous to cats and dogs but deadly to horses, sheep, birds, cows, and other hoofed animals.

What happens if your pet eats it? Eating avocado can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other digestive problems, as well as more serious health issues such as breathing difficulties, heart problems, and, in severe cases, death. If you think your pet has ingested avocado or any of the “No Pet Food” listed below, it’s important to contact your veterinarian for advice.

Macadamia nuts

It’s still unknown to scientists why macadamia nuts are specifically toxic to dogs. Although macadamia nuts are not a common household food, they do come in various types of baked goods or trail mixes. We need to be very careful not to leave any of these within reach of our dog.


What happens if your pet eats it? Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs and can cause a range of symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, tremors, and elevated body temperature. In severe cases, ingestion of macadamia nuts can lead to hyperthermia, difficulty walking, and tremors.

Bread dough (yeast)

Unbaked bread dough can be very harmful to both dogs and cats. Bread that is fully baked and free of raisins can be given to pets as a treat on occasion. However, it is important to avoid giving them uncooked yeast dough, as the yeast will ferment the carbohydrates in the dough, producing ethanol and carbon dioxide.

What happens if your pet eats it? Once inside their bodies, the rising dough expands in the stomach and can cause severe blat or even twist the animal’s stomach. It can cause vomiting, weakness, abnormal heart rate, and even death. The yeast in the dough can produce alcohol in the animal’s stomach, and it can cause subsequent alcohol poisoning as well as low blood pressure, body temperature, and blood sugar.


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